Kristin Maich, BA (Master’s student)

I graduated in 2013 from The University of Western Ontario with a BA in Honours Psychology.  My undergraduate thesis work examined the potential moderating effect of temperament on the relationship between sleep restriction and executive function in preschool children. I have a previous degree from McGill University in English Literature and Political Science. I am interested in the relationships between sleep problems, mood disorders, and emotion regulation, and have begun my project on fear of the dark in adults with insomnia as part of my Master’s thesis this year in the SAD lab under Dr. Carney’s supervision.


Maich, K. M. (April 2013). Temperament as a potential moderator of the effect of sleep restriction on executive function in preschool children. Presented at the Honours Thesis poster presentations at The University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Maich, K. M. (2013) “Reducing cognitive dissonance through effort justification: Evidence from past studies and daily experience.” Western Undergraduate Psychology Journal. (Accepted pending revision).