Angela Lachowski, MA (Doctoral student)

Angela came to the Clinical Psychology program at Ryerson University from The University of Western Ontario, where she completed an honours specialization Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.  In the SAD Lab, Angela’s research interests involve  an investigation of the connection between insomnia and cardiac health, specifically assessed via heart rate variability.  In addition, she is interested in metabolic and other physiologic consequences of sleep disturbance.  She is involved with several research projects in the SAD lab, including three studies investigating cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia with and without comorbid depression.  Outside of the SAD lab, Angela is involved in the DSM-V cultural formulation interview study at CAMH as well as a Generalized Anxiety Disorder trial in the Anxiety Treatment and Research Lab at Ryerson.  She recently completed a practicum placement in CBT for Schizophrenia and neuropsychological assessment at CAMH, and will complete her next placement at St. Joseph’s Hospital in the Mood Disorders and Health Psychology units.

Selected Publications:

Moss, T. G., Lachowski, A. M., & Carney, C. E. (2013). What all treatment providers should know about sleep hygiene recommendations. The Behavior Therapist, 36, 76-83.

Lachowski, A. M., Moss, T. G., & Carney, C. E.  (June 2012).  Insomnia has thoughts of its own: The importance of insomnia-specific beliefs in those with depression and insomnia.  Presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, Boston, MA.

Lachowski, A. L., Moss, T. G., Carney, C. E., Harris, A. L., Hart, S. L., & Belanger, J.  (2011).  Health anxiety among poor sleepers.  Presented at the annual meeting of the World Association of Sleep Medicine and the Canadian Sleep Society Congress, Quebec City, QU.